Категория: tema / Фразы из книг | Дата: 28-08-2011
What Angels shrink from: even the very Devil
On this occasion his own work abhorred…
Категория: tema / Цитаты из книг | Дата: 27-08-2011
Terrestrial business filled nought in the sky
Save the Recording Angel s black bureau;
Who found, indeed, the facts to multiply
With such rapidity of vice and woe,
That he had stripped off both his wings in quills,
And yet was in arrear of human ills.
Категория: tema / Высказывания из книг | Дата: 26-08-2011
Saint Peter sat by the celestial gate:
His keys were rusty, and the lock was dull,
So little trouble had been given of late;
Not that the place by any means was full…

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